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What are the best ways for prototyping? Any thoughts
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By Sanjay Chawla on Jun 15, 2010
Forum: General Discussion - # of views: 1702


A great prototype is often the best way to start dialogue with potential customers and test your idea's value.

By Manish Saxena, June 16, 2010 - 2:52pm


You may be eager to start coding or designing the electronics too quickly. Fight the urge. Best thing is to start with a simple paper design. You can get peers and hopefully customers to provide feedback. Paper designs are inexpensive and more valuable than words. Moreover, know your objectives and stick to them. There are two reasons to prototype:

the first is to test the feasibility of hardware or software architecture

second is to create a demonstration and gain customer feedback so you can price and put value on your innovation

Keep this in mind and be careful to not to fall in love with the process. Prototyping is fun and innovators love to tinker, but you want to invest just enough time and work to meet the objectives.

By Deepika Chawla, June 19, 2010 - 2:52am


This means that design should be modular so that you can adapt them to meet customer's unforseen needs. Customers ultimately decide how to use your product and not you. However, how to keep the prototype cost low?
By Sanjay Chawla, June 23, 2010 - 3:03am


Cost is always important, but your goal with prototype is to be within striking distance of a profitable design. Initially, focus on proving the value of your innovation, and design with modularity in mind. Focus on securing your first set of customers and then work on cost optimization.

The ideal situation is to design a prototype you can produce and distribute in high volume.

By Deepika Chawla, June 29, 2010 - 4:16pm

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